Here's another incidental post – and as far as you can get from a recommendation of the band in question, for whom my detestation is tempered only by apathy (work that out) ...
So. How do you make a shit, boring band like Oasis attractive and vibrant-seeming?
Answer: Photoshop
Look at this ad for their new album (pinched from the Apple website).

Either these old fogies have all had major facial restructuring via plastic surgery, or somebody's been wiping a decade off each of them with the magic of Photoshop retouch.
Keep scraping that barrel, guys. It makes a better noise than anything you've done for the past ten years.
Rock The Vote
On a separate note: if you haven't yet, please vote in the poll to the right. Only a day-and-a-bit left in which to Make Your Voice Heard ...